July 2018

Monthly Archives

  • Ocean Rodeo @ Madnes Ameland

    ‘Complete Madnes’

    Great event @Ameland last weekend. All board sports, beautiful weather and low wind. Off course the OR Flite was the only kite in the air!!


    #Oceanrodeo #madnes #ameland #event #boardsports#kiteboarding #flite #prodigy #roam #mako #duke Murk Feitsma#ambassador #landrover #kites #oreurope #europe #distribitorVincent Boor #rowanboeters #vincentboor #murkfeitsma #hanksnelHank Snel

  • Gaspard Takes 6th at Défi Kite In Gruissan

    Ocean Rodeo Brand Ambassador Gaspard Dabbadie put Ocean Rodeo’s Flite on full display as a true performance kite last weekend at the Défi Kite 2018 De Grussian.

    Gaspard was a force as he proved that tube kites can be as competitively fast as traditional race foil kites. Flying out on an Ocean Rodeo Flite he was drawing great […]